Nimit Agarwal, MD

Clinical Associate Professor - Phoenix
Dr. Nimit Agarwal is an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Arizona. He is the inaugural director of the Division of Geriatric Medicine, the program director for the Geriatric Medicine fellowship and the immediate past president of Arizona Geriatrics Society.
Dr. Agarwal is a clinician, educator, researcher, and innovator. Since finishing his fellowship in Geriatric Medicine at Loyola University Medical Center, in Maywood, IL he has been instrumental in the development of clinical and operational efficiencies in ambulatory and inpatient systems specially focused on older adults.
He has established innovative models of care by leveraging the capabilities of the Electronic Health Record to create smart protocols that can assist with identifying gaps in care related to delirium identification, mobility challenges and markers of increased complications during hospitalization of older adults at his organization. Under his leadership, Banner University Medical Center is proud to be a Geriatric Emergency Department and an Age Friendly Health Systems Care Excellence organization. Dr Agarwal serves as the Geriatrics Clinical Liaison to the Trauma Surgery program at Banner University Med Center-Phoenix.
Dr Agarwal is a graduate of the Executive Masters in Business Administration class of 2024 at the Eller College of Management with University of Arizona. His current work includes developing a patented AI software for the care of hospitalized adults. His goal is to enable organizations to incorporate geriatric medicine practice in all domains of senior care.