GC Admissions Match

Genetic Counseling Admissions Match

The GC Admissions Match has been established to place applicants into positions in master's-level genetic counseling programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling (ACGC), using a fair process that takes into account both the applicants' and programs' preferences. The GC Admissions Match will be administered by National Matching Services Inc. (NMS). Please visit the GC Admissions Match website for complete information about the GC Admissions Match, including an overview of the Match, an explanation of how the matching algorithm works, and other relevant information.

A matching program is a centralized mechanism for processing offers of admission. All offers, acceptances and rejections occur simultaneously. This is in contrast to the traditional admissions processes that training programs have been using for decades, which rely on phone calls, waiting lists and the possibility of some applicants holding multiple offers while others wait to receive one.

Some examples of other professions using a match include: dentists, physicians, psychologists, optometrists, dieticians and pharmacists.

The GC Admissions Match is an effective and fair means of implementing a standardized acceptance date. It allows programs and applicants to evaluate each other fully before determining preferences and prevents them from having to make any decisions without knowing all of their possible options. The traditional recruitment and waitlisting processes have inefficiencies due to the timing of offers and acceptances. Results are not optimal for applicants or programs. With growing numbers of genetic counseling programs and applicants, the GC Admissions Match will provide a level of fairness and improve efficiency.

In short, it doesn't. Although applicants now must register and pay a fee for the GC Admissions Match before their applications can be reviewed by programs, applicant evaluations and interviews are managed in the same way as they have been in the past. Applicants must still apply directly to programs in which they are interested, and applicants and programs interview and evaluate each other independently of the Match. Genetic counseling programs can choose to interview the applicants they desire. At the conclusion of all program interviews, both applicants and programs will submit Rank Order Lists to NMS on which they will list their desired placements, in numerical order of preference (first choice, second choice, etc.) according to deadlines posted on the GC Admissions Match website.

In early September, a list of programs participating in the Match will be available on the GC Admissions Match website and Match registration will open for applicants. By mid-December, a list of registered applicants will be available to Program Directors to verify that their applicants have registered for the Match. The list will be updated in real-time as new applicants register for the Match. Beginning in late March, applicants and programs will be able to submit their Rank Order Lists. Binding results of the Match will be released to both applicants and programs simultaneously in late April.

AGCPD/GCEA has established a waiver for the $100 fee associated with the Genetic Counseling Admissions Match. Prospective students who demonstrate financial need AND have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater can apply for a Match fee waiver. Prospective students should apply for a fee waiver BEFORE registering for a Match Code Number.

To learn more about the requirements and apply, visit the GC Admissions Match website.

Please direct any questions about the Match Fee Waiver process or requirements to gcmatchwaivers@gcea.onmicrosoft.com