
Genetic Counseling Prerequisites

University of Arizona Graduate College Prerequisites

Admission into the University of Arizona Graduate College requires that applicants hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited US college or university, or an international degree comparable to a US bachelor’s degree. In addition, applicants to a Master’s degree program are required to have a minimum GPA of 3.0. For more information on Graduate College admission requirements, visit the Graduate College website.

University of Arizona Genetic Counseling Graduate Program Prerequisites

The UAGCGP developed a prerequisite checklist that applicants must use to demonstrate successful completion of all prerequisites in their application.

The UAGCGP requires applicants to have demonstrated successful completion of the following courses to ensure that they are adequately prepared for the program. All prerequisite courses must be taken for credit from an accredited institution. High school advanced placement (AP) courses or international baccalaureate (IB) courses cannot be used to fulfill prerequisite courses. MOOC’s (massive open online courses) will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  

Required Courses 

  • 2 semesters of biology 
  • 1 semester of chemistry 
  • 1 semester of biochemistry 
  • 1 semester of genetics 
  • 1 semester of statistics 
  • 1 semester of psychology 
  • At least 1 additional semester from ANY of the following areas: psychology, sociology, and/or public health 

Prerequisite Grades 

The UAGCGP admissions committee considers grades of As or Bs in prerequisite courses as successful completion of the course. Grade of a C in a prerequisite course will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any grades for prerequisite courses that are a D+ or lower will not be considered as successful completion of the prerequisite requirements.  

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many institutions used a pass/fail grading system between spring 2020 – spring 2021. The UAGCGP will accept passing grades for prerequisite courses taken during this time period. All classes taken outside of this time period should be taken for a letter grade. 

Timing of Prerequisites 

All prerequisite courses must be completed by the end of fall semester of the year applications are submitted for the admissions committee to adequately review candidate’s application. If grades from prerequisite courses are not included in your submitted transcript, please forward grades from these courses as soon as they are available. It is your responsibility to request your transcripts at the end of the term, and then email them to the program at so they will be included for review by the admissions committee.

For questions, please contact the program at