Health Sciences Design Overview

Health Sciences Design

HSD_Device development


The Health Sciences Design program engages undergraduate, graduate and professional students from all disciplines in the development of solutions to health care challenges. The program offers a unique innovation space that includes advanced equipment and expert faculty and staff, giving students an opportunity to develop critical skills and competencies in health sciences design thinking.


What is design thinking?

Design thinking is a creative approach to problem-solving that involves a holistic understanding of a problem, an in-depth exploration of possible solutions and a thorough testing process. By learning a new way of viewing the world, design thinkers can tackle messy problems that don’t have clear-cut answers.

Learn more

hand holding the side of a piece of equipment

Support Health Sciences Design

Health Sciences Design is a springboard for wellness-focused, human-centered design that addresses complex problems in clinical care and community health. Hands-on learning is at the center of this process, and program funds give students the opportunity to use rapid prototyping, digital manufacturing, simulation and field testing to bring their ideas to life and success to their projects.


Contact Us

To learn more, please email 
or call 520-626-6226.