
Genetic Counseling Curriculum

The UAGCGP is a 22 month Master's degree program. Students will undergo a combination of classroom-directed instruction and practical clinical experiences in order to prepare them for a career in genetic counseling. Over the 2 year program, students will take a total of 63 credit hours, including a four credit summer internship that will add to student's overall clinical experiences.

First Year - Fall Semester

GENE 518 Fundamental Genetic Mechanisms3
CMM 585 Embryology, Teratology, and Birth Defects3
CMM 527 -  Pathophysiology Basics1
CMM  528 -  Pathophysiology of Integumentary, Respiratory, and Digestive Systems1
CMM 529 - Pathophysiology of Urogenital and Endocrine Systems1
CMM 600 Introduction to Genetic Counseling Research1
CMM 519 Introduction to Genetic Counseling2
GENE 670 Genetics Seminar2
CMM 594 Clinical Practicum2

First Year - Spring Semester

CMM 520 Clinical Cancer Genetics2
CMM 620 Foundations of Medical Genetics1
CMM 621 Genetic Counseling in Reproductive Health2
CMM 624 Advanced Genetic Counseling Skills2
BIOS 576A Biostatistics in Public Health3
CMM 900  GC Scholarly Project2
CMM 595 Genetic Counseling Colloquium1
CMM 594 Clinical Practicum2

First Year - Summer Semester

CMM 594 Clinical Practicum (8 weeks)4

Second Year - Fall Semester

CMM 622 Survey of Human Genetic Disorders3
CMM 521 Molecular Diagnostics and Lab Testing1
CMM 909/910 GC Scholarly Project/Masters Thesis2
MCB 504  Bioethics4
GENE 670 Genetics Seminar2
CMM 594 Clinical Practicum4

Second Year - Spring Semester

CMM 625 Survey of Human Genetic Disorders II3
CMM 595 Genetic Counseling Colloquium1
CMM 909/910 GC Scholarly Project/Masters Thesis2
CMM 623 Contemporary Professional Issues in Genetic Counseling2
CMM 594 Clinical Practicum2
Total Units63

In addition, completion of the UAGCGP requires evidence that a student has achieved competence in:

  • Integration of knowledge of psycho-social aspects of conditions with a genetic component to promote client well-being.
  • Use of a range of genetic counseling skills and models to facilitate informed decision- making and adaptation to genetic risks or conditions.

This may be accomplished with approval by the DGS (Director of Graduate Studies) by:

  • Audit a course addressing psychosocial issues of death and loss such as PSY 456 Psychology of Death and Loss or a related course, or
  • Submission of an annotated bibliography or literature review on a topic agreed to by faculty advisor or DGS

The UAGCGP Program Director must approve the method that each student will use to exhibit competence of the above components and when they will integrate this into their activities prior to the start of the fall semester of their second year in the program. Students may complete these requirements at any time during the course of the program. Documentation of the completion of one of these activities must be submitted to the UAGCGP prior to graduation.

Course substitutions are permitted with the approval of the UAGCGP Program Director.