Tuition and Financial Aid

Genetic Counseling Tuition & Financial Aid

Tuition Information

Finalized tuition rates for the school year are announced by the Arizona Board of Regents each spring. As they are subject to change, we suggest you use the Tuition Calculator. From the menu, select Term>Main Campus>Graduate degree>Medicine: Genetic Counseling Graduate Program. 

The GCGP has approval from the Arizona Board of Regents for a special program fee. This $3,000 per semester fee is added to the tuition cost and is automatically included in the above tuition calculator. There is no difference in program fee rates for Arizona residents and nonresidents. There is no special program fee for the summer semester between the first and second year. Summer tuition for the Clinical Practicum can be calculated at the tuition calculator site above. Under “Select College, Program, or Differential Tuition” choose “Not Listed."

Please review the General Residency Guidelines to determine if you qualify as an Arizona Resident. If you are claiming Arizona Resident status, you will need to complete the Residency Classification Process.

For more information on tuition rates at the University of Arizona, visit the Bursar website. Please note there may be additional out-of-pocket expenses incurred for professional development seminars and workshops and membership fees. 

Financial Aid

Students are responsible for all expenses related to the completion of the degree requirements, including tuition, mandatory fees, program fees and course fees where applicable. Resources are available at UArizona for assistance with applying for financial aid. Students may contact the Financial Aid Office for assistance - please visit the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid website or the Graduate College's Funding and Financial Information page for more information on financial aid resources at U of A.

Scholarship Universe is a good jumping-off point for researching financial aid opportunities.

The Graduate College offers a limited number of awards in the form of Graduate Access Fellowships - these are competitive, need-based awards for newly admitted students. Additionally, the Graduate College has limited Financial Hardship Funds available for domestic graduate degree-seeking students who are experiencing a catastrophic, exceptional and unexpected temporary financial difficulty or emergency that is impeding their degree completion in a timely manner.

GCGP Scholarship

The GCGP Scholarship is a need-based award and requires that the student has submitted a FAFSA application. The Scholarship is a $2,000 annual award (up to $4,000 total for two years) that will be given to one newly admitted student per year. Students who receive the award in their first year will automatically receive funding in their second year as long as funding is available and they remain in good academic standing in the program. The scholarship can be used to cover any portion of tuition, program fees and mandatory fees for courses taken at the main campus of The University of Arizona. The scholarship is applied directly to graduate tuition/fee charges and has no cash value. This award may not count as taxable income. You are encouraged to consult a professional tax advisor, as UArizona does not provide tax advice.


University of Arizona GCGP students who:

  • Have been newly admitted for the term of award
  • Are U.S. citizens or permanent residents
  • Have filed the FAFSA form for the academic year of admission
  • Have documented financial need as an undergraduate (e.g., Pell Grant eligibility, Work Study)
  • Have a demonstrated unmet financial need as determined by the federally approved need assessment system.

[Guidance on financial aid eligibility is available by contacting the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid at 520-621-1858.]

NMS Match fee waiver

On behalf of the MATCH Fee Waiver Taskforce, a waiver application is now live and posted on the NMS website.